76 players have been signed up for this competition as of 6:18 PM Tuesday 18th February
Judith Abraham (John O'Gaunt Golf Club) |
Carol Baker (Mundesley) |
Sharon Ball (Woodbridge Golf Club) |
Sandie Banyard (Royal Norwich Golf Club) |
Sheila Baxter (Royal Cromer) |
Heather Beynon (Seckford Golf Club) |
Susan Bidwell (Royston Golf Club) |
Kim Bradfield (Royston Golf Club) |
Jo BROWN (Bramford Golf Centre) |
Pak Chan (Royal Cromer) |
Annette Copeland (Royston Golf Club) |
Carole Davidson (Royal Cromer) |
Ann Dennis (Woodbridge Golf Club) |
Stephanie Denton (Royston Golf Club) |
Christine Dewhurst (Royston Golf Club) |
Sophie Dhenin (Foxhills Country Club & Resort) |
Monica Dorrington (Eaton Golf Club) |
Anne Emmerson (Ryston Park) |
Judy Farren (Haverhill Golf Club) |
Jenny Filby (Dereham) |
Susan Filby (Ryston Park) |
Linda Foster (Swaffham Golf Club) |
Chris Gore (Overstone Park) |
Christine Grainger (Haverhill Golf Club) |
GABBY GREEN (Bramford Golf Centre) |
Sandra Griffin (Royston Golf Club) |
Sally Hall (Royal Cromer) |
Wendy Hallums (Royston Golf Club) |
Kerry Hambleton (Overstone Park) |
Liz Hewett (Royal Cromer) |
Gill HODGSON (Royal Cromer) |
Julie HOWES (Overstone Park) |
Clare HUNTER (Overstone Park) |
Jenny Jarvis (Royston Golf Club) |
C Joy (Wensum Valley Golf Club) |
Suzanne Kearns (Woburn) |
Delena Keenan (Foxhills Country Club & Resort) |
EMMA KHAN (iGolf) |
Pam Lammiman (Brampton Park) |
Margo LERIN (Overstone Park) |
Madeline Lince (Swaffham Golf Club) |
Kym Lofthouse (Mundesley) |
Alison MACKWAY (Dunston Hall) |
Gill McLeod (Royal Cromer) |
Joan Mealing (Seckford Golf Club) |
Jane Millership (Royston Golf Club) |
Geraldine Moreton (Halesworth Golf Club) |
Diane Naylor (Dereham) |
JULIE NEAL (Bramford Golf Centre) |
Ursula Newland (Mundesley) |
JANE OGDEN (Bramford Golf Centre) |
Elaine Olson-Williams (John O'Gaunt Golf Club) |
Jan Olson-Williams (John O'Gaunt Golf Club) |
Shirley Osborne (Brampton Park) |
Carol Parker (Dereham) |
Patricia Parker (Ryston Park) |
Diana PICCOLO (Dunston Hall) |
Barbara Reason (Royal Cromer) |
Lorraine Sage (Woodbridge Golf Club) |
Valerie Shipp (Haverhill Golf Club) |
Suzanne SILVESTER (Overstone Park) |
Elizabeth Slaughter (Royston Golf Club) |
Yvonne Southey (Seckford Golf Club) |
Sheila Spreadborough (Swaffham Golf Club) |
Helen Steverson (Royston Golf Club) |
Fiona Stuart (Mundesley) |
Irma Suttle (Woodbridge Golf Club) |
Sarah Thomas-Woolfe (Brampton Park) |
Carol Turnbull (Dereham) |
Rita Vienhues (Foxhills Country Club & Resort) |
Sue Ward (Ryston Park) |
Katie WATKINS (Overstone Park) |
Verity White (Haverhill Golf Club) |
Sandra Williams (Royston Golf Club) |
Anne Wills (Brampton Park) |
Lindsey Wright (Dunston Hall) |